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by Michael Hankinson Meyer Fellow |
In theory, renters and homeowners disagree about proposals to
build new housing in their communities, particularly if that housing is close
to where they live. However, in
practice, this is not always the case.
Rather, in a new Joint Center working paper that is based on new
national-level experimental data and city-specific behavioral data, I find that
in high-housing cost cities, renters and homeowners both oppose new residential
developments proposed for their neighborhoods. However, in high-cost markets renters are still more likely than
homeowners to support citywide increases in the supply of housing. Since changes in city governments over the
past several decades have generally strengthened the power of neighborhood-level
opponents to proposed projects, my findings help explain why it is so hard to
build new housing in expensive cities even when there is citywide support for
that housing.
NIMBYism and the Rising Cost of Housing
Since 1970, housing prices in the nation’s most expensive
metropolitan areas have dramatically increased. Real prices have doubled in New York City and Los Angeles and nearly
tripled in San Francisco. Driving this appreciation is an inability of new
housing supply to keep up with demand. Even accounting for the cost of
materials and natural geographic constraints on supply, the dominant factor
behind this decoupling of supply and demand is political regulation, such as limits
on the density of new housing developments and caps on the number of permits
issued by a localities’ government.
These limits are a classic example of the NIMBY (Not in My BackYard)
phenomenon. Even if residents support a
citywide increase in the supply of housing, they may still oppose specific
projects in their neighborhood. This seeming disconnect between views on
citywide and local development policies creates a classic collective action
problem for those policymakers who must find ways to reconcile the conflicting
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Photo by Michael Hogan/Flickr |
Despite its popularity as a scapegoat, there is no individual-level, empirical data on how NIMBYism operates and among whom. Students of urban politics generally assume that homeowners have strong NIMBY tendencies not only because they benefit from rising house prices but also because they worry that nearby new housing units, particularly nearby subsidized housing units, might decrease the value of their home.
There is less consensus on (or studies of) how renters view new
development. New supply may help ease prices for renters but their
pro-development views may not be reflected in local policies because renters
are less likely to become politically involved than highly motivated
homeowners. Alternatively, renters might
not favor new projects if they believe the units will increase demand in their
neighborhood, which, in turn, will lead to increased housing prices. To date,
however, there has been very little research on how renters view development
projects and whether their views differ from those of homeowners.
Measuring NIMBYism
To measure
NIMBYism and general support for new housing, I collected two unique datasets. I
conducted the first experimental tests of NIMBYism through an online survey of
3,019 respondents across 655 cities in 47 states. Respondents were asked about
their support for development policies, including whether they would support a
10 percent increase in their city’s housing supply, with the question customized
to each respondent’s city, stating how many homes and apartments currently
exist and how many more would be built. Respondents also participated in an
experiment where they were presented with two housing developments and asked
which of the two proposals they preferred for their city. Each proposed development
was described using several attributes, such as height and affordability level.
To measure NIMBYism, respondents were also told how far each the of
developments would be from their home, from two miles away to ⅛ mile away. By
randomly varying this distance along with the other attributes, I was able to
measure respondents’ sensitivity to proximity (NIMBYism), holding all other attributes
To supplement this national survey, I also conducted a 1,660-person
exit poll during the 2015 San Francisco election. Voters at 26 polling
locations were asked their opinions on several housing-related ballot
propositions similar to those presented in the national survey.
When Renters Behave Like Homeowners
As noted, renters and homeowners are
expected to disagree on support for new housing, with NIMBY homeowners opposing
citywide and neighborhood development and renters likely supporting the new supply.
line with existing theory, homeowners in my national survey largely opposed the
proposed 10 percent increase in their city’s housing supply (28 percent
approval), while a majority of renters supported the new supply (59 percent
approval). Likewise, when asked in the experiment which of two randomly
generated buildings they would prefer for their city, homeowners exhibited consistent
NIMBYism, preferring buildings that were farther away from their home. In
contrast, renters on average did not pick buildings based on distance from their
home. If anything, renters preferred affordable housing that was closer to
their home, displaying a YIMBY or ‘Yes in My BackYard’ attitude. In short,
homeowners and renters tend to have very different attitudes towards both NIMBYism
and the citywide housing supply.
However, in high-rent cities, renters look far more like
homeowners. Instead of paying little attention to the location of proposed new
housing, renters in expensive cities are just as NIMBY towards market-rate
housing as homeowners. Moreover, this renter opposition to nearby development
does not mean they support less new development overall. In fact, renters in
expensive cities show just as much support for a 10 percent increase in their
city’s housing supply as renters in more affordable cities. The main difference
between these groups of renters is their NIMBYism.
Results from the San Francisco exit poll show a similar
combination of supporting supply citywide, but opposing it locally. When asked
about a 10 percent increase in the San Francisco housing supply, both renters
and homeowners expressed high levels of support, at 84 percent and 73 percent
approval, respectively. But, somewhat surprisingly, when asked if they would
support a ban on market-rate development in their neighborhood, renters showed
far more NIMBYism than homeowners, with 62 percent of renters supporting the
NIMBY ban compared to 40 percent of homeowners.
NIMBYism and How We Permit Housing
Renters in high-rent cities generally both want new housing
citywide but behave like homeowners when it comes to their own neighborhood.
These scale-dependent preferences present a policy challenge for keeping cities
affordable. Over the past 40 years, city governments have increasingly
empowered neighborhoods to weigh-in on housing proposals through formal
planning institutions. In doing so, these decisions have amplified NIMBYism and
the ability to reject new housing, without maintaining a counterweight for the
broader interest for new supply citywide. In other words, while most residents
may support new housing for the city as a whole, both homeowners and renters
are willing and increasingly able to block that supply in their own neighborhood,
effectively constraining the housing supply citywide. This is housing’s
collective action problem.
In separate research, I am empirically testing the effect of these
strengthened neighborhood institutions on the rate of housing permitting since
1980. Likewise, I am conducting further experimental research on what types of
citywide housing proposals are able to win the greatest support among both
homeowners and renters. Hopefully, by measuring the tradeoffs between the
‘city’ and ‘neighborhood’ in the politics of housing, we can better address the
deepening affordability crisis facing many American cities.
You're missing a key point here in what is commonly viewed as NIMBYism is opposition to affordable housing, homeless shelters, etc. Developments that would bring down property values. Your loose definition ends up conflating renter behavior with homeowner behavior because you are looking at only the building of market-rate housing. It's not NIMBYism to be concerned about the displacement effects of market-rate development in a neighborhood. This study goes along with the unfortunate trend of calling low-income communities of color in cities NIMBYs because they are concerned about being displaced as rents rise in their neighborhood. I would expect more nuance coming out of a study from Harvard Center for Housing Studies.
ReplyDeleteHello Mr Hankinson--You clearly are not taking into account what motivates renters (i.e., not being displaced). This is completely different to the classic homeowner supposition that homeowners object to how new construction affects their property values/ views / seclusion etc. Every rent controlled tenant in SF intuits (correctly) that that new luxury condo building that is built next to them means that there is a bullseye on their back. You need to factor the pressure to displace tenants either through demolition of older buildings or rent increases due to the newly gentrified block. Renters are wary of new buildings because they know it will not actually help them--they can't simply move into these luxury buildings on their incomes. That it does not "trickle down" to them. I hope that helps in your future studies. You are talking about two very different motivations to be wary of luxury development.
ReplyDeleteVery interesting! I would be interested in whether tenants subject to rent control or stabilization are more likely to oppose new development or not.
ReplyDeleteHi Michael, this is an amazing article, congratulations for the research! I am the editor of a Brazilian website on urban issues called Caos Planejado (caosplanejado.com). I would like to know if it would be possible to translate and repost this article there, with appropriate authorship, credit and link to this original post. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI just want to thank you Michael. I live in Davis, CA, where several housing projects have been put to the ballot and I have conducted some research on the project. When individual projects go onto the ballot, they function as a kind of referendum on the city--people project quite a bit of frustrations onto projects. The result is they do not pass.
ReplyDeleteHas adequate off street parking, other design criteria, and senior only or physically disabled only housing or supportive housing or any other factors, when advertised positively or negatively affected NIMBY attitudes?